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You're Doing it Right!

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Words of Wisdom from Seda James:

There’s a common misconception that in life, if things don’t come easy, then it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe you’re feeling discouraged, that your life is a mess and you couldn’t be further from living your dreams. Some people might even be telling you to consider a backup plan or to be more practical. But I say keep going and…congratulations, you’re doing it right.

Sometimes things do come easy, but often the path to our deepest desires winds through our deepest fears and insecurities. That path is far from easy. As we pursue our dreams and take steps toward realizing our goals it’s inevitable we’re going to get triggered (confronted by our innermost fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs). When this emotional pain surfaces, it’s easy to feel like we’re moving in the wrong direction, aren’t on the right path, or it just isn't meant to be.

Here’s a little secret, the experience of being triggered is actually validation that we’re doing it right. To put it in the context of the Law of Attraction, as we create the vibration of living our dreams, our unconscious limits, fears, and unexpressed pain, will surface. They surface to be released and are actually being forced out by the new (higher) vibration we are creating to replace it - the one we need to be at to have our dreams manifest as reality.

As long as we continue to vibrate as if our dreams are already a reality, the pain and limits will release and the new vibration will become our dominant energy (the key to any manifestation).

But if we shift our attention to the fears and pain and any accompanying outer manifestations of our limiting beliefs, we lower our vibration and actually give the old, unwanted energy permission to stay. In the simplest terms – what we think about, we bring about. By focusing on what isn’t working, how long things are taking, or how hard things may be, we stay exactly where we are vibrationally and fall into the delusion we’re "stuck" by recreating on old vibration that no longer serves us.

The biggest challenge is not trying to "fix" or "solve" whatever is surfacing. The pain will naturally release if we continue to step into the new (desired) vibration. But it’s oh so tempting to believe we have to solve a problem or some deep issue and "fix" ourselves before we can act on our dreams – a never ending process that can become a very acceptable, and even encouraged, form of avoidance.

The key is focus. What we think about, we bring about. If you’re feeling pain, ask yourself where your attention is focused and take this moment as an opportunity to refocus on your goals and dreams. You’re doing it right!

We’re naturally going to hit resistance. We’re naturally going to have doubts, fears and insecurities surface along the way, so we just need to accept this as part of the process.

We all fall (into old vibrations). How quickly can you get back up (to the new higher vibration)?

That's the real game. As we step into living the life of our dreams our inner darkness surfaces so we can more fully shine our light. If you're feeling like everything is falling apart around you - congratulations...You're doing it right.

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