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My Beloved Collaborators

Thus far the process of translating The Shickles screenplay to the screen has been AMAZING and eye opening in profound ways. First of all, I’ve felt such waves of excitement that I actually get to do something I feel incredibly passionate about….Something I’ve dreamed of doing for years is finally unfolding in the here and now. That alone is profound. Secondly, there is nothing more exhilarating than collaborating on a creative vision with like minded people. There are SO many pieces of a puzzle that have to come together in order to translate words on a page into a fully realized film. Writing is such a solitary process, but filmmaking is ALL about collaboration. It’s been so exciting to experience the cooperative components begin to come together.

The first piece of the “collaborative” puzzle was connecting with my producing partner, Jason McHugh. We’ve been working together on this project for over a year and a half trying to get “attachments” and find funding. We both finally agreed that if this movie was going to get made we would just have to do it ourselves. Without Jason’s moral support, I would have never had the courage to start this process. Having someone else who supports your vision BEFORE there’s anything “in it” for them, is invaluable. Jason produced the film ORGAZMO with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the South Park guys, and is currently producing their stage play: CANNIBAL THE MUSICAL. He's one of the coolest people on the plance and completely shares my sense of humor.

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Jason's been a true partner from the on-set. I feel bad that I waited until days before his first son, Jericho Jetson McHugh, was due to make his entrance into the world to finally make the leap on this project. But I figure now that he has experience birthing a human, birthing a film should be a piece of cake! LOL!

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Our Cinematography is the incomparable Mikey Boidy. Without him this project DEFINITELY would not be happening. I met MikeyB at a random party. When we became Facebook friends, I noticed that we had over 300 friends in common, yet we had never met. That was just CRAZY to me. He invited me to his birthday party, which was about 100 miles outside of LA. Usually I wouldn’t even consider going to a party THAT was that far out of town, particularly for someone I had just met. But for someone reason I felt compelled to go, so I followed my intuitions. And I am SO GLAD that I did. Not only is Mikey a talented cinematographer, he’s an INCREDIBLE human being with a HUGE heart and someone I am THRILLED to be working with.

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Jesse Rivard is our fabulous Production Manager, and my dear friend who has also been a HUGE supporter of this project from the on-set.

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And there’s also Terry Kelley, editor EXTRAORDINARE. Terry is my next door neighbor, who over the last few years has become one of my dearest and most valued friends. Not to mention his one of the best editors in the business. He won an Eddy Award last year for his work on the show HOMELAND. He's editing on the show BLACK SAILS which is a Michael Bay production on the STARZ network. He’s crazy amazing and he absolutely LOVES what he does. He fell in love with the script ages ago and I couldn’t be more excited to actually be working with him on it.

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